Rodrigo is now the proper weight of a Border Collie and it's freaking me out. So he's off to the vet for a check out to make sure all is well – his behavior is normal, his poop is normal, I'm still freaked out. And, in the meantime, I'm trying to put a little...
J doesn't know it, but we're in the market for a new vacuum cleaner. We currently have a Rainbow vacuum cleaner that we purchased secondhand on Craigslist nearly 10 years ago. It's great, fantastic actually, but it's a beast to lug around and I'm looking for something...
Christmas decorations go up in the stores right as the Halloween decorations are being put on clearance. Thanksgiving gets no love – maybe a couple of shelves in an aisle. The first person to put up Christmas lights joined in on the fun, lighting up their corner...
It's that time of year again and I'm stunned that the year has flown by so quickly. Thanksgiving Day is right around the corner and last year, I began doing something new – I cook for the dogs, a lot. The web is full of DIY dog treat recipes and I've started...
This post was originally published in 2014. It has been updated and republished with new information. Looking for the perfect gift for your dog or your friends' dogs? Want to exercise your dog quickly but effectively before it get's dark. Source: COLLAR Puller USA,...
It's hard to believe that the year is almost over. The other day, I attended the grand opening of a new local pet store and I had a blast walking around and checking out all of the new products. It was fun learning why the owners chose each brand/product for their...
Clary Sage is a flowering plant that looks similar to lavender, but it's not the same. I like to diffuse this Clary Sage essential oil to add a fresh scent to a room, but when I reading up on this oil recently, I realized that I wasn't taking advantage of all of the...
I love peanuts. Not peanut butter, just peanuts. And I used to share them with my dogs. Peanuts are a healthy snack, so, of course, they're safe for dogs. Or, at least, that's what I thought. After years of snacking on this natural treat, I switched to organic...
DepositPhoto/Artranq I love this time of year because it’s suddenly okay to talk about our actual experiences with the paranormal. Mostly, I roll my eyes at the ghost hunter shows or get excited about the latest Paranormal Activity movie. But I rarely admit that I...
I love figuring something out or understanding something. While this post may seem depressing, it helped me see that hurt people hurt people and I stopped taking the negativity personally on social media. Obviously the answer to this question is “no.” All...
We have cameras all around our house. The cameras aren’t for security; we invested in the hardware so that we (by we, I mean me) can keep an eye on the dogs. We started with two cameras. When we switched to a new company for security, they added two...
I love makeup. I was a loyal Avon customer since my pre-teens. The Avon Lady was a common thing in our community and that's where I got my nail polish and, when I became old enough, my first lip tints (lip conditioner with a hint of color). When my mother approved...
This review of the Animal Diet Formulator is from the perspective of a pet parent and not a raw brand or veterinarian. There may be aspects of the program that a veterinarian or raw food brand may like or dislike that doesn't make it on my radar. Keep that in mind...
Several years ago, one of our dogs helped himself to the last piece of chocolate cake. My first reaction was to panic because I've always been told chocolate is toxic to dogs. A call to the veterinarian called my anxiety; he wasn't showing signs of illness, and it was...
Does honey improve a dog's health, or is it just added sugar to the diet? Natural sugar, but sugar, never less? I've tried these products in the past, but not long enough to notice any changes in my dogs. However, I've added local raw honey and bee pollen to my tea or...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.