Not long after I launched Keep the Tail Wagging I was introduced to Life's Abundance pet food and saw it as a fantastic business that I could build from home. I was told that Life's Abundance makes dog and cat food with the finest ingredients, and I was excited...
If you are having behavior challenges with your dog, please seek the help of a qualified, positive-based dog trainer. I am a dog nutrition blogger, not a dog trainer, and I cannot offer advice or recommendations. Years ago, Rodrigo bit me. It was my fault....
We're not hyperaware of the temperatures here in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm rarely concerned about dogs overheating. But our mild summers (compared to the rest of the country) don't excuse us from protecting our dogs from heatstroke, and I've learned to keep our...
Can dogs eat broccoli? The obvious answer is yes, but not everyone agrees. I received an email from a passionate pet parent warning me about feeding broccoli. “Everyone knows that broccoli is toxic to dogs.” I respectfully disagree but was intrigued. Is...
When I was new to raising dogs, a veterinarian told me that dogs always get diarrhea, and it's no big deal. He's also the vet who told me that it's normal for a cat to vomit once a day and that Rodrigo would die shortly after his third birthday. Well, he was wrong....
When my partner and I became dog parents, we agreed that I would take the lead with the dogs (diet, veterinarian, training, etc.), and he took the lead with the house and yard. He didn't anticipate that I'd switch the dogs to raw, and despite the compromise...
We have hardwood and tiled floors throughout our home that require sweeping and mopping several days a week. And blankets and bedding are washed once weekly. Not long ago, I began cleaning the floors and counters with a mixture of white vinegar and warm...
This post was originally published in August 2015. It has been updated with new information and republished. With all of the mixed information about raw feeding, many pet parents are understandably worried about transitioning their dogs to a raw diet. Years ago, in a...
Prices are rising, and it's a good time to revisit how to make raw feeding affordable. When I usually write blog posts, I try to maintain a professional/casual tone, but today, I have to be me because…. y'all…. have you seen the prices of eggs, cereal, and...
When I was new to essential oils, Ylang Ylang essential oil was a favorite in the EO community. So, when I began building my collection of essential oils, Ylang Ylang was on the list as one to diffuse in our home for the dogs and us. Ylang Ylang smells amazing and...
I originally shared my thoughts on racism on June 8, 2020, shortly after the rioting began around the world. After two years of learning a lot about my fellow Americans, our political system, and the media, I'm revisiting my thoughts. Not much has changed, but my eyes...
DepositPhoto/RonJoe When I researched raw feeding, I learned that the two main models are BARF (biologically appropriate raw food) and Prey. After more than two years of feeding raw to my dogs, I’ve found that the main difference between BARF and Prey seemed to...
There was a time when every morning, Cosmo (my cat) jumps on the counter in the bathroom, walks to his sink, and meowed. He was asking me to turn on the faucet. I turned it on, he looked at the water, sometimes he'd get a closer look, then he'd jump down and leave...
One of the first “natural” products I purchased for my dogs was a flea and tick repellent made with lavender essential oil and other ingredients. Today, more than ten years later, lavender is still one of my favorite scents and I use it regularly with my...
I've been a member of many raw feeding groups. It's a requirement if you're trying to learn how to feed raw. Over the years, I've learned to identify various types of personalities in the raw feeding groups. I'm not an active member of these groups today, but I still...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.