Tracheas are natural chew treats that offer numerous health benefits for dogs. Dog owners can give their dogs a beef, lamb, or bison trachea to satisfy their chew drive and support joint and dental health. Plus, the trachea can be turned into an engaging meal with an...
There is a growing interest in homemade dog food. Whether it's cooked, raw, or a combination of the two, discerning pet parents want to ditch the synthetic nutrients, high carbs, and other questionable ingredients, switching to whole, fresh foods that support gut...
Venison is a lean, healthy red meat option for dogs prone to protein sensitivities. I like to add it to my dogs' diet because I believe in feeding a balance of red and white meat. Venison can also be expensive for people who don't have access to hunted meat or don't...
Are you looking for a healthy, budget-friendly way to enhance your dog's diet? Look no further than chicken gizzards! These often-overlooked organ meats are packed with essential nutrients that can benefit your dog's overall health and well-being. This article will...
Dog owners new to raw feeding fear feeding pork to their dogs because of parasites; however, parasites aren't an issue in human-grade pork. Pork is one of my favorite proteins to feed because all my dogs can eat it without issue. Buying from a trusted source, such as...
Aren't Mushrooms Toxic to Dogs? It surprises people when I share that I add functional mushrooms to my dogs' diet through supplementation, sauteed mushrooms, or mushroom broth. Aren't mushrooms toxic to dogs? Some mushrooms are toxic to dogs. This is a regular...
When feeding a homemade raw diet, I believe it's essential to feed a variety of proteins, switching up my dog food recipe weekly. I added chicken to the rotation earlier this year when I began feeding more raw meaty bones. Unfortunately, feeding chicken regularly to...
When people are new to raw feeding, I often recommend starting with a commercial raw. But for many people, myself included, commercial raw dog food is expensive. Although I alternate between a few brands, I can't afford to feed them exclusively – so I primarily...
Tomatoes are a nightshade plant, and because of this classification, many people won't feed them to their dogs for fear of toxicity. But is this accurate? Over the years, I've seen raw feeders share meals that contain sardines in tomato sauce due to the beta-carotene...
When feeding a homemade raw diet, it's essential to continue looking for proteins. Having alternatives keeps you covered when prices increase, or a source vanishes. In 2023, the price of quail went up 35%, and it's no longer a protein I feed regularly. I switched to...
The summer is ending, and it's time to clean up my vegetable garden. I don't particularly appreciate throwing away food, and all my friends have gardens, too, so I can't give the excess vegetables away. So, I created an easy dog treat recipe that incorporates...
Golden paste is a popular DIY supplement with many benefits for our dogs. Having lost two dogs to cancer, turmeric is an important part of my dogs' diet and something easy to make and add to their meals. Benefits of Turmeric (TOO-mer-ick) for Dogs Natural detox...
I began adding a vegetable mix to my dogs' diet to help one of our dogs lose weight. I continue making a veggie mix to add fiber, antioxidants, food for the gut bacteria, and additional nutrients to my dogs' diet. Although dogs are carnivores, they benefit from adding...
Have you been told that DIY raw dog food isn't nutritionally complete? You're not alone. People often reference a “study” when trying to convince pet parents that homemade dog food is too hard to make and debunk the practice of balancing over time. In the...
The rising prices of healthy dog treats have inspired me to begin making dog treats at home, and it's easier than I realized. This no bake recipe is perfect for pet parents who are short on time or not as handy in the kitchen. Treat your dog with healthy, organic dog...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.