3 DIY Home Projects Inspired By Our Dogs

3 DIY Home Projects Inspired By Our Dogs

Longer days are here and warmer temps are right around the corner, which means three things for our family: Long daily dog walks.Bringing raw meaty bones back into the diet – the dogs eat them outside.Home projects galore. Every year my partner and I sit down...
Finding the Right Harness for My Dogs

Finding the Right Harness for My Dogs

I wasn't prepared for becoming a pet parent in the social media era. Something as innocuous as choosing a harness can stir up so much drama and confusion that you'd think we were talking religion or politics. So color me surprised when I shared that I preferred...
10 Things I’ve Learned About Coyotes and Dogs

10 Things I’ve Learned About Coyotes and Dogs

The other day, I took the dogs for a walk after work.  I was in a hurry because we were losing light fast, but they didn’t mind.  Apollo would prefer to run and Zoey was just happy to be out and about.  It was a short walk where I was juggling two dogs, keeping an eye...
Introducing a Dog into an Established Pack

Introducing a Dog into an Established Pack

So, it's been nearly five months since we went from a four dog home to a five dog home and I haven't written about the experience of adding a dog to our pack. But before I share what I did, I thought it would be important to explain more about our dogs and the...
Best Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair

Best Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair

J doesn't know it, but we're in the market for a new vacuum cleaner. We currently have a Rainbow vacuum cleaner that we purchased secondhand on Craigslist nearly 10 years ago. It's great, fantastic actually, but it's a beast to lug around and I'm looking for something...
Top 5 Products for My Dogs [2019]

Top 5 Products for My Dogs [2019]

It's hard to believe that the year is almost over. The other day, I attended the grand opening of a new local pet store and I had a blast walking around and checking out all of the new products. It was fun learning why the owners chose each brand/product for their...

What To Do When Your Dog Alerts to a Ghost

DepositPhoto/Artranq I love this time of year because it’s suddenly okay to talk about our actual experiences with the paranormal. Mostly, I roll my eyes at the ghost hunter shows or get excited about the latest Paranormal Activity movie. But I rarely admit that I...
Best Cameras to Spy on My Dogs

Best Cameras to Spy on My Dogs

We have cameras all around our house.  The cameras aren’t for security; we invested in the hardware so that we (by we, I mean me) can keep an eye on the dogs.  We started with two cameras.  When we switched to a new company for security, they added two...
Does Avon Still Test on Animals?

Does Avon Still Test on Animals?

I love makeup. I was a loyal Avon customer since my pre-teens. The Avon Lady was a common thing in our community and that's where I got my nail polish and, when I became old enough, my first lip tints (lip conditioner with a hint of color). When my mother approved...
Embark Vet: Do Dog DNA Tests Really Work?

Embark Vet: Do Dog DNA Tests Really Work?

Do dog DNA tests really work? This is the question I've been trying to answer for years. I've had my dogs DNA tested three times now. THREE TIMES! Why so many? Because I wasn't 100% certain so I tested my dogs using three different companies and here is what I...
Are Goldendoodle Owners Hapless Idiots?

Are Goldendoodle Owners Hapless Idiots?

“Crossing any dog breed with a poodle is not a hybrid. It's a mixed breed. A hybrid is a cross of two species, as in horse with donkey (mule) or wolf with dog. The term hybrid is used to bamboozle hapless idiots into paying $1000s for a mutt.” This is an...
How I Calm My Dogs During Thunderstorms

How I Calm My Dogs During Thunderstorms

When it comes to dogs and thunderstorms, we have mixed reactions.  Most of our dogs don't seem to notice the storm, but Rodrigo acts as if the world is coming to an end. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have storms in the spring and fall – thunderstorms...
Win an Orthopedic Dog Bed from Brentwood Home #Ad

Win an Orthopedic Dog Bed from Brentwood Home #Ad

  Runyon Pet Beds by Brentwood Homes I am a sucker for dog beds and as a blogger, I receive opportunities to review dog beds all the time and it feeds an obsessio I have for dog beds – there are three in our living room, five in our home. Years ago, I was...

9 Ways to Relieve Your Dog’s Fear of Thunderstorms

Rodrigo is afraid of thunderstorms.  He's had these fears most of his life, and they got worse when part of the fence went down in a heavy windstorm nearly two years ago.  As I type this blog post, there is thunder off in the distance and Rodrigo is resting peacefully...
5 Home Improvement Projects for Homes with Dogs

5 Home Improvement Projects for Homes with Dogs

This is a sponsored post made possible by Endura Flap pet doors. We live on 5 acres, and our dogs have a small fenced yard that contains them when we aren't able to hang out with them on the property.  Each year, we do something to the yard to make it more appealing...

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