I save money by stocking up on pet products I use throughout the year on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. These sales usually begin the day after Thanksgiving, but many have started early this year. I will update this list as I learn about more specials. 2024 Black...
Interest in Raw Feeding is Growing This isn't surprising to me. I'm not excited about the price point of new raw brands. I couldn't afford to feed raw even if I fed our dogs these brands part of the time. My concern is that these high prices are going to...
Kimberly Gauthier (go-tea-ay) and Rodrigo
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.