Best Digestive Supplements for Leaky Gut in Dogs
Two of our dogs were tested through Innovative Pet Lab (IPL). I chose to test Zoey and Apollo because they're healthy dogs, and the Innovative Pet Lab testing aims to give us a heads-up on potential health issues. I expected the tests to come back with stellar...
Benefits of Boron for Raw Fed Dogs
Boron is a trace element found in many foods and can be purchased as a supplement. Boron isn't considered an essential trace mineral, and humans get their recommended daily amount - 1 to 13 mg daily - through diet (we can't produce it on our own). But what about our...
Is DIY Raw Dog Food Nutritionally Complete?
Have you been told that DIY raw dog food isn't nutritionally complete? You're not alone. People often reference a "study" when trying to convince pet parents that homemade dog food is too hard to make and debunk the practice of balancing over time. In the study, 200...
Debunking an Anti-Dr. Becker YouTube Video
I discovered this video after I read the SkeptVet's review of The Forever Dog. I was curious if anyone else had created any content debunking the book, Dr. Becker or Rodney Habib, and immediately found this video, published on September 23, 2022. In the video, Dr. Em...
Spotting Bad Science in the Raw Feeding Community
Science isn't my favorite subject. I love reading, and I love learning new things but show me a study, and I'm likely to pass out and sleep for a few hours because interpreting someone's scientific findings is boring. I used to believe a great alternative was to...
How to Safely Add Dandelions to a Dog's Diet
DepositPhoto Every spring al, I walk around our property and collect dandelions before I mow because dandelions are an organic, non-gmo, healthy supplement for me and my dogs. What are Dandelions? And Where Can I Find The Dandelions are "weeds" that are a member of...
5 Practical Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Dogs
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. We spend the morning walking the dogs and the afternoon with family. Every year, we go around the table, and each person shares something they're grateful for - for me, it's my dogs. And I know I'm not alone. Here are five...
Toss Your Dog's Bowl | DIY Raised, Flat Dog Dish (Steps)
So, this isn't really DIY, but it's as close to DIY as I can get outside of making dog food and treats. I made flat dog dishes for my dogs. In 2022, I saw many people using the MINE Pet Platters. I purchased four platters for my dogs and was inspired to introduce them...