How to Protect Dogs from the Mysterious Respiratory Illness

How to Protect Dogs from the Mysterious Respiratory Illness

I initially read about a respiratory illness reported in Oregon and California at the end of the summer of 2023. It's highly contagious and presents like kennel cough or the canine flu, but veterinarians aren't sure what this is, and traditional treatments...
What You Should Know Before Hiring a Canine Nutritionist

What You Should Know Before Hiring a Canine Nutritionist

New opportunities are developing as the raw feeding community expands and becomes more mainstream. You can become certified as a pet health coach, meal formulator, or a certified canine nutritionist. Because of the newness of these positions, there are questions: Are...
Best Raw Food Brands for Dogs and Cats [2024]

Best Raw Food Brands for Dogs and Cats [2024]

It's exciting to see the continued growth of the raw feeding industry, and with so many people researching fresh food for their pets, I decided to share a list of my favorite raw food brands to help others as they try to figure out what's going to work best for their...
The Complete Guide to Feeding Fish to Raw Fed Dogs

The Complete Guide to Feeding Fish to Raw Fed Dogs

Fish is a staple in my dogs' diet. I feed it primarily for the omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and zinc, although fish adds much more to the diet. In this article, I will share what I know about feeding fish to raw fed dogs, including the other seafood I feed to my...
Easy Home Remedies for Hunger Pukes in Raw Fed Dogs

Easy Home Remedies for Hunger Pukes in Raw Fed Dogs

My first introduction to hunger pukes had me racing to the veterinarian with my dog. Every morning, she'd vomit up yellow bile, and I was convinced she'd been exposed to a toxin. It was hunger pukes. What is Hunger Pukes? Hunger pukes, also known as canine bilious...
The Raw Truth: Why Balanced Feeding Isn’t My Priority

The Raw Truth: Why Balanced Feeding Isn’t My Priority

I transitioned my dogs to a raw food diet in 2013 – 80/10/10 was considered a healthy raw diet back then, but not a balanced diet. As I learned more about canine nutrition and raw feeding, I learned that 80/10/10 is a diet deficient in nutrients like Omega-3...
Is Happiness More Important than Dog Training

Is Happiness More Important than Dog Training

I don't often write about dog training because it's “not my lane,” but occasionally, a topic of interest catches my attention. The above graphic came through my Instagram feed, and my first reaction was, “This is dangerous!” Without the context...
How to Choose the Right Raw Feeding Model

How to Choose the Right Raw Feeding Model

Dog owners understand the practice of raw feeding is an attempt to replicate the ancestral diet of dogs by combining muscle meat, organ meat, bones, and vegetation while acknowledging that our dogs have evolved to be pets, not wolves. We feed raw because fresh food is...
The Surprising Benefits of Tomato Sauce for Raw Fed Dogs

The Surprising Benefits of Tomato Sauce for Raw Fed Dogs

Tomatoes are a nightshade plant, and because of this classification, many people won't feed them to their dogs for fear of toxicity. But is this accurate? Over the years, I've seen raw feeders share meals that contain sardines in tomato sauce due to the beta-carotene...
The Impact of Praying Over Dog Food

The Impact of Praying Over Dog Food

I attended the 2023 Thrive Pet Expo, where I connected with friends, fellow pet lovers, and industry experts. Poppy Phillips, an animal naturopath for Equine Alternatives LLC and fellow Christian, posed an interesting question: “Does praying over dog food boost...
7 Quick Study Guides to Help Raise Healthier Dogs

7 Quick Study Guides to Help Raise Healthier Dogs

Are you interested in learning more about raw feeding and can't fit an online course into your schedule right now? Have you taken an online course and would love a few organized notes to refer to going forward? Have you heard of quick study guides? These quick...
3 Reasons to Know Bone Content of Raw Meaty Bones

3 Reasons to Know Bone Content of Raw Meaty Bones

The foundation of the diet I formulated for my dogs is 80/10/10 – 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, and 10% organ meat. 80/10/10 isn't a nutritionally complete raw diet, so I use a base mix and feed additional foods to balance over time. So, why must I know bone...
Guinea Hen: A Nutrient-Rich Addition To Raw Dog Diets

Guinea Hen: A Nutrient-Rich Addition To Raw Dog Diets

When feeding a homemade raw diet, it's essential to continue looking for proteins. Having alternatives keeps you covered when prices increase, or a source vanishes. In 2023, the price of quail went up 35%, and it's no longer a protein I feed regularly. I switched to...
When Raw Fed Dogs Have Mucus in Their Poop

When Raw Fed Dogs Have Mucus in Their Poop

As a raw feeder, monitoring dog poop is a daily task. I'm looking for color, consistency, and amount. On most days, I see exactly what I expect. But, occasionally, the poop is covered in mucus that can cause concern. In this article, I will share why dog stool may be...
What Raw Feeders Need to Know About Dog Dental Care

What Raw Feeders Need to Know About Dog Dental Care

One of the benefits of raw feeding is clean teeth and healthy gums. The belief is that dogs fed a regular diet of edible and recreational bones have cleaner teeth because the bones scrape away tarter, and the meat left on the bones flosses the teeth. While this may...

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