This blog post was originally written in June 2012; it has been updated with new information and republished. Over the past month, I’ve been doing a lot of research on pet insurance companies. I started in a group, asking what people thought of pet insurance and...
Do dog DNA tests really work? This is the question I've been trying to answer for years. I've had my dogs DNA tested three times now. THREE TIMES! Why so many? Because I wasn't 100% certain so I tested my dogs using three different companies and here is what I...
Summary: If you're looking for a product to help remove the anal gland scent from fabric, try Nature's Miracle Advanced or a DIY Thieves Cleaner (ingredients below). 16-ounce glass spray bottle 3 tbsp of organic witch hazel 50-80 drops of Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy...
Interest in Raw Feeding is Growing This isn't surprising to me. I'm not excited about the price point of new raw brands. I couldn't afford to feed raw even if I fed our dogs these brands part of the time. My concern is that these high prices are going to...
A month ago we added a fifth dog to our family. Apollo is 8 months old and he's a Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever mix (aka Goberian). When I learned about the pending arrival of a fifth dog, I did some research to see if I could figure out why someone would...
“Crossing any dog breed with a poodle is not a hybrid. It's a mixed breed. A hybrid is a cross of two species, as in horse with donkey (mule) or wolf with dog. The term hybrid is used to bamboozle hapless idiots into paying $1000s for a mutt.” This is an...
What are Anal Glands? “The anal glands or anal sacs are small glands found near the anus in many mammals, including dogs and cats. They are not found in humans.” ~ Google Anal Glands discharge a small amount of fluid when pressed during a potty break (pee or poo), and...
“My cat got stomach cancer from eating red and yellow dyes in 9 lives. Poor thing. I assumed it was safe.” ~ Facebook User I see stories like this on social media all the time. Pet parents are learning the dangers of the ingredients used in...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday! This Friday, I'm sharing the recipe for my organ blend. In my effort to save money, I've decided to stop buying the organ blend from and make it myself. I'm not able to get the variety that provides, but I...
Years ago, one of our dogs began to develop yeasty ears regularly. I tried everything to prevent it from turning into an infection. This happens due to an overgrowth of yeast, a fungus that naturally resides on a dog's skin and in their ears. However, certain factors...
One night I was cuddling with Rodrigo, doing the combo “I love you, puppy” – At Home Exam – rub and I noticed that his tummy was really dark. It almost seemed black. I rolled him over more, reassuring him what a sweet baby he was while ignoring his confusion, and...
One of the reasons I became active in the raw feeding community was to create a resource that would allow me to quietly soak in how everyone is feeding their pets. One topic that comes up, again and again, is the concept of fasting dogs and I want to...
I found an article on Facebook groups about Oprah and raw feeding. People were upset because Oprah was tellin people that raw feeding prevents cancer. However, no one had bothered to read the article – they were triggered by the title: 7 Reasons Why Oprah Feeds...
When feeding DIY raw, what do you do if you can't find a source for bone? I've been fortunate because I have several sources (raw food co-op, restaurant supply store, ethnic markets, local farms), so I haven't had to find a bone substitute – but not everyone is...
When I started feeding my dogs a raw food diet, I added every supplement I learned about to my dogs' diet. Over the years, as I learned more about dog nutrition, I began to see that I could replace many of the supplements with whole food. This was great because it...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.