A Lifestyle Blog About Raising Dogs Naturally
Hi! I'm Kimberly, and I started this blog in December 2011 as an expression of my love of my dogs it's grown into a personal space where I chronicle what I learn about dog nutrition, raw feeding, health, training, behavior, and more.
Keep the Tail Wagging®
I aim to raise awareness of natural alternative canine care for curious pet parents looking to be well-informed by sharing my experience raising dogs.
Pet parents can find personal articles, books on raw feeding, videos, local and online events, recipes for dog food, and more.
If you're interested in incorporating natural options in your life with dogs, join me on this journey as we learn together.
Mission Statement
To inspire pet parents to think outside the bag and question the status quo by providing a non-judgmental space where it’s safe to ask “stupid” questions!
I began feeding my dogs a raw food diet in 2013 and began writing about my experience in 2014. I passed The Feed Real Movement's Dog Food Nutrition course in 2022. And the professional course in 2023. I am a certified professional canine nutritionist (CPCN). And I earned a BRNC (Billinghurst Raw Nutrition Certification) in 2024.
Big Mixed Breed Dogs
Dedicated Freezers
About My Dogs
My partner and I live with our dogs and one cat in Western Washington.
Rodrigo & Sydney
Our first set of littermates was adopted in May 2010, herding breed mix. Sydney passed away in 2020 at 10 years of hemangiosarcoma. Rodrigo passed away in 2023 at 13.5 years of old age (and possibly cancer).
Scout and Zoey
Our second set of littermates joined our family in December 2013, and also herding breed mix. Scout passed away in 2022 at 8 years of canine lymphoma.
Apollo joined our family in August 2019, he's a Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever mix.
Bella joined our family in December 2022, she's a Siberian Husky, GSD, Heeler mix.
From left to right: Rodrigo, Apollo, Zoey, Scout, Sydney.
Something for Fun.
10 Random Things About Me
- I love SciFi, comics, fantasy books, and movies.
- I wanted to be a journalist when I was a kid.
- People think I'm an extrovert; I'm a textbook introvert.
- I recommitted my life to Jesus Christ in 2023.
- I am always reading (or listening) to a book or podcast.
- I find it impossible to remember names and faces, but I recognize dogs.
- I eat a diet similar to my dogs (but cooked).
- I love learning all sides of an issue, even the sides I can't entirely agree with.
- I have daily dance parties with my dogs and I make up songs about them.
- I was born on the same day as Dwayne ‘The Rock' Johnson.
Books on Raw Feeding for Dogs
When I transitioned Rodrigo and Sydney to a raw food diet in 2013, I was quickly overwhelmed by the opinions on how and what I should feed my dogs. That experience taught me to share what I do with my dogs without pressuring others to do the same.
I published my first book in 2017 (or was it 2018). I rewrote it and published the update in 2023. You can find Raw Feeding from A to Z on Amazon.com.
Speaking Engagements
Dogs and Raw Feeding
- Seattle Pet Expo 2014, An Introduction to Raw Feeding for Dogs
- Seattle Pet Expo 2016, An Introduction to Raw Feeding for Dogs / Panel on Pet Nutrition
- Healthy Pet Expo 2019, Raw Feeding for Dogs
- Raw Feeding Summit, 2022
- Dog Nutrition Summit, 2022
- Feed Real Summit, 2023
- Black Pet Business Network Panel at SuperZoo, 2024
- WordCamp Seattle 2014, You Started a Blog, Now What?
- Women in the Pet Industry, 10 Blogging Habits that Kill the Competition
- WordCamp Seattle 2015 (KEYNOTE), A Guide to Surviving WordPress for the Technically Challenged
- WordCamp Portland 2017, Easy SEO Tips
- WordCamp Seattle 2017, The Care and Feeding of Trolls
- WordCamp Seattle 2018, 7 Steps to Becoming a Full-Time Blogger
- WordCamp Seattle 2019, SEO Panel Member