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The easiest way to boost the immune system is by supporting a dog's gut health. Here are the best supplements and other tips to meet any dog owner's budget.

As I learn more about canine health and nutrition, I have concluded that focusing on my dog's gut health and immune system is essential to longevity. I do this by feeding a fresh food diet that includes whole food supplements. The immune system protects dogs from various infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. A robust immune system offers the following benefits:

  • helps a dog resist (and recover faster from) infections, illness, and disease
  • contributes to a dog's overall health and well-being, potentially extending their lifespan
  • makes a dog less susceptible to allergies and sensitivities, reducing itching, GI issues, and respiratory distress
  • enhances the effectiveness of vaccines, potentially reducing side effects and generating a strong and more long-lasting immune response

While focusing on a dog's immune system won't stop aging, it may slow it down by helping our dogs survive illness and disease and age gracefully.

Gut Health and the Immune System

The connection between a dog's gut and the immune system is crucial in maintaining overall health. The gut (gastrointestinal or GI tract) is home to a diverse community of microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiota.

The gut microbiota and the immune system have a bidirectional relationship, meaning they constantly interact and influence each other. Here's how they are connected:

Gut Microbiota Composition: The gut microbiota helps to educate and modulate the immune system. The bacteria in the gut produce metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids, which influence immune cell development and function. Additionally, the microbiota helps maintain the integrity of the gut barrier, preventing harmful substances from leaking into the body and triggering an immune response.

Immune System Development: During early life, exposure to a diverse range of gut bacteria helps shape and train the immune system. This exposure helps the immune system differentiate between harmful pathogens and harmless substances, preventing unnecessary immune responses and allergies later in life.

Immune System Regulation: The gut microbiota is crucial in regulating immune responses. It helps balance immune tolerance (not reacting to harmless substances) and immune activation (fighting off pathogens). Imbalances in the gut microbiota, known as dysbiosis, can lead to immune dysregulation and various health issues.

Immune Response at the Gut Barrier: The gut is the largest interface between the external environment and the body's immune system. Immune cells in the gut lining constantly survey the gut contents, recognizing and responding to harmful pathogens. The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), a part of the immune system, is located in the gut wall and helps coordinate immune responses within the gut.

Systemic Immune Effects: The gut immune system protects against pathogens within the gut and influences immune responses throughout the body. It communicates with other immune tissues, such as the lymph nodes and spleen, through circulating immune cells and signaling molecules. This cross-talk helps coordinate the immune response to pathogens and other immune challenges.

A healthy gut microbiota is essential for maintaining a well-functioning immune system in dogs. Imbalances in the gut microbiota can lead to immune dysregulation, increased susceptibility to infections, inflammation, and various digestive disorders. Therefore, maintaining the health of a dog's gut through proper nutrition, probiotics, and lifestyle choices is crucial for supporting the immune system and overall well-being.

How to Boost a Dog's Immune System

Supporting a dog's immune system is easy, starting with a fresh food diet, regular exercise, and reduced stress. My dogs eat a raw diet I formulated to meet their nutritional needs. I walk my dogs daily, allowing them to take regular sniff breaks as they explore the outdoors. And my dogs live a relatively stress-free life.

But is this enough?

Because 70-80% of the immune system lives in the gut, I believe supporting their gut health is the key to building a hardy immune system. Along with feeding a fresh food diet, I alternate the following supplements weekly:

1 – Gussy's Gut Daily – a foundational blend of fermented vegetables that are organic, freeze-dried, and rich in antioxidants. It offers essential nutrients for daily well-being, gut health, healthy aging, and detox support. The formula is packed with high levels of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and polyphenols. These beneficial nutrients are easily absorbed by dogs through our proprietary fermentation process, ensuring they receive maximum benefits compared to consuming raw vegetables. Daily is created using 19 enzymatically activated superfoods, which are fermented and freeze-dried, preserving their raw form

2 – Immune Support by Earth Buddy Pet – This mushroom tincture features a unique blend of five mushroom species and elderberry extract. It can be easily mixed into food or squirted directly into your pet's mouth and is formulated to support a balanced immune response.

3 – Fido's Flora by Adored Beast Apothecary – the first ever biologically species-specific probiotic designed exclusively for dogs. Developed by experts in the field, this remarkable product is a meticulously crafted blend of multiple strains of probiotics, enriched with the potent minerals fulvic and humic acid and prebiotic larch. Fido's Flora is especially beneficial in rebuilding the gut microbiome after a round of antibiotics.

4 – Chaga mushroom tincture by Adored Beast – Chaga mushrooms are the second-highest antioxidant-rich food and offer numerous health benefits, including immune system support, anti-inflammatory effects, and anti-aging. And Chaga mushrooms may protect against certain types of cancer. They also promote digestive health and may help regulate blood sugar levels.

5 – Five Defenders by Real Mushrooms – This exclusive combination consists of a carefully selected assortment of potent immunity-enhancing mushrooms: Turkey Tail, Reishi, Maitake, Shiitake, and Chaga harvested from the wilderness. These mushrooms are sourced organically and undergo extraction processes that enhance the absorption of essential compounds such as beta-glucans, maximizing their health benefits.

Boosting a Dog's Immune System – On a Budget

1 – Feed a Fresh Food Diet – feeding dogs a raw (or cooked) diet promotes a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in immune system regulation. Balancing over time by feeding various foods (alternating proteins and other ingredients) ensures an adequate intake of critical nutrients, supporting immune cell development, proper immune response, and overall immune system strength.

2 – Broccoli and Alfalfa Sprouts – sprouts support gut health by providing dietary fiber that nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, promoting a healthy digestive system. They also support the immune system due to their rich content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Broccoli, in particular, is high in vitamin C and is known for its immune-boosting properties. Both sprouts contain phytochemicals like sulforaphane, which support immune function. 

3 – DIY Golden Paste – made from turmeric, black pepper, and oil, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may support joint health, aid digestion, improve skin conditions, boost the immune system, and potentially relieve various ailments such as arthritis, allergies, and digestive disorders.

4 – DIY Bone Broth – nutrient-dense and offers benefits such as promoting joint health, boosting the immune system, aiding digestion, and supporting gut health. It is rich in collagen, amino acids, minerals, and gelatin, which can help improve skin, hair, and nail health and support overall wellness.

5 – Exercise – regular exercise promotes the immune system by improving circulation, reducing stress, helping to maintain a healthy weight, and enhancing the production and activity of immune cells. It can help flush out bacteria from the airways, increase antibody production, and reduce inflammation, all contributing to a more robust and effective immune response.

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