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When I initially transitioned my dogs to raw, I found it expensive and nearly returned to kibble until someone gave me some tips and I was able to immediately cut my budget in half.

Interest in Raw Feeding is Growing

This isn't surprising to me.

I'm not excited about the price point of new raw brands.  I couldn't afford to feed raw even if I fed our dogs these brands part of the time.  My concern is that these high prices are going to frighten people away from the diet, especially if they are made to feel that they don't prioritize their dogs when they balk at the sticker price of many raw brands.

When I started looking into raw feeding, I nearly passed on the diet because it cost too much.  But connecting with other local raw feeders was a game-changer as I discovered new sources helping me save money.

30 Ways to Save Money on Raw Dog Food

If you're interested in feeding raw but freaked out by the cost, there are plenty of ways to save money.  However, you'll have to be willing to make raw dog food yourself.

1 – Join a local raw food co-op.

2 – Start your own raw food co-op.

3 – Reach out to brands to see if they offer a discount on bulk orders.

4 – Contact distributors and local pet stores about a discount on bulk orders.

5 – Connect with other raw feeders in your area to see how they save on raw.

6 – Contact other raw feeders to see if they'll partner with you on a discounted bulk order.

7 – Shop sales at the grocery store, Walmart, restaurant supply stores, or discount grocery stores.

8 – Contact your local butcher to see if they sell trim or parts they'd otherwise throw away.

9 – Search online forums and Craigslist for hunters willing to sell meat or the trim; check local laws to ensure they can sell you their excess meat.

10 – Join the mailing list of Raw Paws Pet Food to be the first to learn about discounts and sales.

11 – Go hunting.

12 – Learn about the roadkill laws in your state; can you take a dead deer to be butchered? It's important to note that not all roadkill is fit for consumption.

13 – Raise your own meat; chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc.

14 – Post an ad to Craigslist or the FB Marketplace for old meat that people would otherwise throw out. You may need to add more taurine and other nutrients because they degrade in old meat.

15 – Search Craigslist for “freezer dumps:” This is when someone posts free or inexpensive meat they plan to throw away. You may need to add more taurine and other nutrients because they degrade in old meat. You can also use the meat to make dog treats.

16 – Contact a local rendering plant to see if you can buy meat from them. Make sure that this is a USDA-approved plant and not diseased meat.

17 – Contact local restaurants to see what they do with old meat. It may be illegal for them to give it to you, so do it on the down low.

18 – Contact local farms to ask about their butchering schedules and if the meat is available.

19 – Look for less expensive cuts of meat; for instance, pork organ meat is the most affordable where I live.

20 – Feed a partial dry dog food and partial raw diet; some raw is better than none. I started my dogs this way by feeding them raw in the morning and kibble in the evening.

21 – Become a dog nutrition blogger and use the revenue to offset your raw budget. Or work with raw dog food brands as their influencer, writing about their food in exchange for free or discounted food.

22 – Connect with a mobile butcher; someone who goes to farms to slaughter/butcher animals to inquire about what is done with the parts of the animal the farmer doesn't keep.

23 – Don't be a short-order cook. Find affordable proteins that all your dogs can eat so you're not formulating various diets (unless necessary).

24 – Check the want ads for an army base. Someone told me that soldiers would often sell (or offer for free) everything in their freezer when deployed. If you live near a military base, find out where the military personnel might post such ads.

25 – Make sure you're not overfeeding your dogs. When I started feeding raw, I leaned too heavily on raw feeding calculators and overfed my dogs. All of them. They're down to a healthier weight now, meaning the food I purchase lasts longer (saving money).

26 – Choose DIY raw feeding over feeding commercial raw. Switching to primarily DIY raw has allowed me to continue feeding raw to multiple dogs. I went through our freezer and identified everything I could make myself; the savings were a surprise.

27 – Choose whole foods over supplements. Buying supplements to “balance” a dog's diet or because someone claims it's required can become expensive. Instead, trust the diet.

28 – Incorporate a fasting day for adult dogs. Fasting a dog is a way to help the gut and immune system reset. This isn't something everyone is comfortable doing, and some people think that a fast is starving your dog – it's not.

29 – Pick up your orders instead of having them delivered. If you feed a commercial raw diet delivered by a company in or near your town, ask if you can pick up the food and save on shipping costs.

30 – Shop at a local farmer's market. A farmer's market is an excellent place for fresh vegetables, and if you live in a rural place, you can connect with farmers and see if you can score some meat.

Raw feeding doesn't have to be expensive.  I encourage you to join friendly raw feeding groups to get ideas on feeding your dogs a better diet without breaking the bank.

More on Raw Feeding

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Kimberly Gauthier, CPCN
Kimberly Gauthier, CPCN, is the owner and author behind Keep the Tail Wagging.

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