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I recently took a picture of my bookshelf and was stunned by the number of books I have - and I use each one for reference as I strive to raise healthy, happy dogs.

I'm a self-taught raw feeder. When I started this journey, the courses available today weren't an option, so I learned through raw feeding groups, blogs, and books. As a result, I have an extensive library of raw feeding and canine nutrition books that I still reference.

This list is divided into several sections, with the books listed alphabetically by title. Not all books are directly related to dogs, but I reference them when researching dog health or nutrition.

This list may be overwhelming (I read a lot); at the end of this article, I share a list of books I'd recommend to anyone beginning their fresh food journey.

Recommended Books for Your First Order

How many books do you have?  And which one do you think you'll order first?

Books on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Books on Essential Oils

Books on Gardening

Books on Dog Nutrition / Raw Feeding / Recipes

Books on First Aid / Dog Health

Books on Life with Dogs (Great for Gifts)

Books on Dog Training / Behavior

Reading More About Raising Dogs

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