I recently completed the professional raw feeding course offered by the Billinghurst Institute. This review will cover the following to help pet parents make an informed decision about enrolling in this course: Summary of the course Who the course is for The...
Collagen treats and meal toppers are growing in popularity, but are they beneficial? When I began looking for collagen products to add to my senior dog's diet, I quickly realized I didn't know enough about collagen to make an educated choice. What is Collagen?...
The Forever Dog Life is available for pre-order. And, with more than 120 recipes, longevity tips, and new science for better dog dishes and healthier pet homes, The Forever Dog Life is a must-read for dog lovers. Order Your Copy Today! The Forever Dog, co-authored by...
Years ago, I was introduced to green-lipped mussel powder as a natural supplement to reduce inflammation. Today, mussels are a regular part of my diet, and I alternate between green and blue-lipped mussels. But what's the difference? And which one is more beneficial...
If you're new to raw feeding, you may have encountered some confusing terms and jargon. In this blog post, I will briefly summarize some of the most common raw feeding terms to help provide clarity and understanding. Where applicable, the term will be linked to an...
Social media can be dangerous because people share what they feed their dogs, and others do the same without asking if it's safe. Recently, the topic of making kombucha for dogs was raised, which caught my attention because I drink kombucha regularly. But is kombucha...
The pet food industry has been peddling the myth that dogs are omnivores for decades because it allows them to produce high-carbohydrate and plant-based diets at low costs. For proof of this, search online, and you'll find that most websites that claim that dogs are...
Many people switch their dogs to raw dog food because their dog has allergies or has developed health issues, hoping that feeding fresh food will do the trick. But how long does it take for our dogs to experience the benefits of a raw diet? The time it takes can vary...
Venison is a lean, healthy red meat option for dogs prone to protein sensitivities. I like to add it to my dogs' diet because I believe in feeding a balance of red and white meat. Venison can also be expensive for people who don't have access to hunted meat or don't...
A common argument against homemade dog food recipes is that they are deficient in essential nutrients, leading to serious health conditions in our dogs. As someone who has avoided this risk through research, software, and a base mix, I've been guilty of rolling my...
It was an exciting day when I was introduced to FUNctional Toppers by Northwest Naturals, freeze-dried meal toppers that can be sprinkled or spooned over a dog's meal (raw or kibble) to add extra flavor. The ingredients in these toppers are sustainably sourced and are...
Is your dog suffering from seasonal allergies? It's a common problem that can cause discomfort and frustration for dogs and their owners. But what if there was a natural and holistic way to alleviate dog allergies? Enter “Raw Feeding.” I'll share how raw...
Are you looking for a healthy, budget-friendly way to enhance your dog's diet? Look no further than chicken gizzards! These often-overlooked organ meats are packed with essential nutrients that can benefit your dog's overall health and well-being. This article will...
Should we feed raw eggs to dogs? Absolutely! I feed eggs to my dogs at least four days weekly. Initially, I cracked a raw egg over their meals; today, I feed them in various styles because the nutrient values of eggs don't change much when cooked. In this article, I...
Dog owners new to raw feeding fear feeding pork to their dogs because of parasites; however, parasites aren't an issue in human-grade pork. Pork is one of my favorite proteins to feed because all my dogs can eat it without issue. Buying from a trusted source, such as...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.