Cathy and I chat about the benefits of CBD oil for dogs and if CBD treats work, if it's possible to foster without failing, and the benefits of bone broth for dogs and how easy it is to make at home. Does CBD Oil Work? The other day, I responded to a comment on my...
Cathy and I chat about our keeping the weight off of our dogs, the importance of pet insurance, and this trend of dogs with cicadas in their mouths. Oh and we went took a left turn into pet safe air purifiers, candles, and essential oils. Helping Our Dogs Lose Weight...
Cathy and I chat about our dogs' personalities (do they match a human in the house?), the origin of our dog names, preference for male or female dogs, and I will start watching SOA because this is where Cathy got the inspiration for the name of one of her dogs. Do Our...
This week, Cathy and I had a blast chatting with James Jacobson of the Dog Podcast Network. Having a man on the show allowed us to ask questions about pet parenting from a different point of view and we covered dating with dogs, how dogs allow men to express emotions,...
Rainbow Bridge Poem Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play...
Grooming The only time I've taken my dogs to the groomers is to have a nail trim. I do everything at home – I have dogs that are easy to bathe and groom at home. When I was new to raising dogs, I would bathe my dogs once or twice a month. Today, I bathe them...
Pet Parents v Dog Owners There are strong opinions about the terms “pet parents” and “dog moms.” We recognize that the pet industry started calling us “pet parents” because they're capitalizing off of our love of our pets and the...
Reinformcing Our Dogs' “Bad” Habits Some of these behaviors might be labeled as “good” and others might be labeled as “bad.” One “good” behavior that I've reinforced with Scout through repetition is the statement...
Surprise!!! I started a podcast for dog lovers!!! Introducing Girls with Dogs. My girlfriend, Cathy Bennett of Groovy Goldendoodles, and I started talking about partnering on a podcast this year, sharing our bi-coastal (sort of) chats with like-minded dog people and...
Kimberly Gauthier (go-tea-ay) and Rodrigo
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.