13 Essential Oil Recipes for Dogs and Dog Lovers

13 Essential Oil Recipes for Dogs and Dog Lovers

I use essential oils daily. They help me wake up, boost my mood, alleviate allergies, stop a headache before it morphs into a migraine, soothe an upset tummy, and more. It didn't take long for me to wonder what essential oils can do for my dogs. So, I trusted Google...
What Dog Owners Need to Know About Scented Candles

What Dog Owners Need to Know About Scented Candles

I love candles and will often burn them in several rooms in our home (all on the main floor). I never thought about the safety beyond leaving candles unattended. A content creator's Facebook Live opened my eyes to the possibility that burning scented candles and...
How to Terminate a Young Living Membership

How to Terminate a Young Living Membership

DepositPhoto/Botamochy This week I saw a new side to being a Young Living customer, and it led me to terminate my account.  The people of Young Living were amazing, patient, and as helpful as they could be in the situation. However, something that should have...

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