DepositPhoto/Botamochy This week I saw a new side to being a Young Living customer, and it led me to terminate my account. The people of Young Living were amazing, patient, and as helpful as they could be in the situation. However, something that should have...
Warning! This post contains images of raw meat (not whole animals). It is a blog about raw feeding, I know; this warning is for folks who are grossed out by these types of images. I recently got my hot little hands on some beef pancreas! Score!!! When it...
When I was new to raw feeding, I preferred feeding ground raw because I felt that it was safer. It was also easier to mix and cleaner to feed. A meat grinder was one of my first purchases when transitioning from commercial to DIY. I found it on eBay for $150. It was...
Subscribe to the Keep the Tail Wagging newsletter: Dog DNA Giveaway: Shaggy Dog Eats Cookbook Giveaway:...
Rodrigo is the reason I'm a raw feeder today. Dealing with his tummy issues for six years has been a joy – sarcasm – and a learning experience – reality. At first, I thought it was normal for dogs to have diarrhea occasionally; I just didn't know...
SILEO is a prescription medication that promises to calm our dogs during storms and fireworks. It sounds like a dream come true, but is SILEO safe for dogs? What is SILEO? Press Release about SILEO by Zoetis. SILEO is a gel that is absorbed through the cheeks and gums...
I've been watching bloggers review subscription box services for years. I've reviewed a few myself. Although these are a great idea, these companies are all the same and many don't stick around. As a blogger, it's fun receiving free stuff – I'm not too good...
Variety is important in raw feeding, and whenever I discover something new (and affordable) that I can feed to my dogs, I do a quick deep dive to ascertain if the protein is a good fit for my dogs. In this case, I'm looking into beef gullets. I discovered beef gullets...
I’ve been hearing unflattering rumors about Blue Ridge Beef for a few months and when someone posted their thoughts in a raw feeding group on Facebook, I decided to do my own digging. Rumors about Blue Ridge Beef The meat allegedly comes from inferior or questionable...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.