5 Raw Feeding Mistakes I Made with My Dogs

5 Raw Feeding Mistakes I Made with My Dogs

When it comes to raw feeding, I follow the KISS system – keep it simple, sweetheart (I don't like to use “stupid,” it's rude). I don't believe raw feeding needs to be complicated, stressful, or overwhelming. I've been feeding raw for years and earned...
Recipe for Fermenting Seeds for Dogs

Recipe for Fermenting Seeds for Dogs

  Now that I'm on the fermentation bandwagon, I began to wonder what else I could ferment for my dogs.  And the answer was easy!  Seeds. I know that my dogs' raw diet isn't perfect and I also know that taking control of my dogs' diet is a marathon, not a sprint. ...
4 Examples of Craigslists Ads for Raw Feeders

4 Examples of Craigslists Ads for Raw Feeders

Raw feeding isn't cheap for everyone and people have become creative.  If you don't have access to an affordable raw food co-op, you can try and cut a deal with a local butcher, connect with hunters and farmers, or place Craigslist ads for free meat. Examples of...
Easy Fermented Vegetables Recipe for Dogs

Easy Fermented Vegetables Recipe for Dogs

What are Fermented Vegetables? Vegetables become fermented when the sugars in the vegetables are converted into acids by beneficial bacteria. This process is typically carried out in an environment without oxygen (sealed, wide-mouth jars). To make fermented...
Does Feeding Raw Chicken Lead to Paralysis in Dogs?

Does Feeding Raw Chicken Lead to Paralysis in Dogs?

  I wasn't going to respond to this topic because I read a rebuttal yesterday. And then this morning I received an email that showed that this “study” has grown legs and is running all over the Internet and it made me wonder why no one outside of the...
Is it Okay to Feed Dogs Golden Paste Daily?

Is it Okay to Feed Dogs Golden Paste Daily?

  I add golden paste to Rodrigo and Sydney's meals daily – both meals.  Someone recently asked me if it's safe to feed golden paste daily and this reminded me of a discussion I had with a brand several years ago.  The brand representative warned me about...
Keeping On Top of Your Raw Fed Dog’s Weight

Keeping On Top of Your Raw Fed Dog’s Weight

Julie Austin Photography For Christmas, I bought the dogs a ton of toys, some chews, and a scale.  One thing I learned in 2017 is that people think my dogs are horribly overweight.  I used to get so pissed off by this statement because my dogs aren't fat,...
The Pros and Cons of Vegan Kibble for Dogs

The Pros and Cons of Vegan Kibble for Dogs

When I heard about this a week ago, my first feeling was a great well of defeat.  It sometimes feels like we're fighting a losing battle against the pet food industry. On one side, we have pet food companies lying about their food and pet bloggers helping them...
List of Probiotic Foods for Dogs

List of Probiotic Foods for Dogs

I have found that replacing supplements with whole foods is better for my dogs and my wallet.  Instead of adding a multi-vitamin, I add raw eggs.  Instead of adding fish oil, I add raw sardines.  And instead of adding a probiotic powder, I add fresh...
5 Alternatives When Your Raw Fed Dog Doesn’t Like Fish

5 Alternatives When Your Raw Fed Dog Doesn’t Like Fish

DepositPhoto/avevstaf I received the following question from a follower: “If my dog doesn't eat fish is there anything besides salmon oil I need to feed or give supplement wise?” This is an excellent question because I'm noticing that a lot of people are...
Win an Orthopedic Dog Bed from Brentwood Home #Ad

Win an Orthopedic Dog Bed from Brentwood Home #Ad

  Runyon Pet Beds by Brentwood Homes I am a sucker for dog beds and as a blogger, I receive opportunities to review dog beds all the time and it feeds an obsessio I have for dog beds – there are three in our living room, five in our home. Years ago, I was...
Can Dogs Eat Clams?

Can Dogs Eat Clams?

I recently started adding oysters to my dogs' raw meals because I learned that I wasn't adding enough zinc to their diet.  When it comes to raw feeding, we're always learning and I'm thankful that after four years of feeding raw (and three years of mostly DIY raw), I...
Darwin’s Pet Removes Beets from their Beef and Lamb Recipes

Darwin’s Pet Removes Beets from their Beef and Lamb Recipes

One thing I love about Darwin's Pets is that they respond to their customers.  This morning, I received this email from Darwin's Pet. Dear Darwin's Customer, At Darwin’s Natural Pet Products, we continuously review our product formulation to comply with changing...
How to Weigh Raw Fed Dogs At Home

How to Weigh Raw Fed Dogs At Home

  It's important to know my dogs' weight.  Their weight drives how much I feed them.  My mistake is that I haven't been weighing my dogs regularly, which is now going to change. The most obvious thing to do when you want to get your dog's current weight is to...
Serendipitous Saturday | Raw Fed Dog Obesity Awareness

Serendipitous Saturday | Raw Fed Dog Obesity Awareness

A couple week ago someone told me that all of my dogs were grossly obese and she was pretty disgusted that I was building a name for myself as an authority in the raw feeding community while raising fat dogs.  This isn't the first person to throw shade at me or my...

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