I was given one free Nutritional Blueprint Testing Kit from ParsleyPet.com in exchange for my honest thoughts on the experience. I chose to purchase three more kits so that I could test all of my dogs. What is Nutritional Blueprint Testing? “This is a simple and...
Yesterday, Facebook was all a-buzz with the news that two states, New Jersey had banned the sale of raw milk for pets!!! As the day progressed, I learned that this isn't a new law. New Jersey and other states had always had this law on the books, they're just starting...
When it comes to dogs and thunderstorms, we have mixed reactions. Most of our dogs don't seem to notice the storm, but Rodrigo acts as if the world is coming to an end. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have storms in the spring and fall – thunderstorms...
This post was originally published in 2012. It was updated with new information and republished in 2019. When Sydney and Rodrigo were puppies, they often itched after being outside. We were told that this could be due to the growing mushrooms in the yard. We added...
Answers Pet Food Kefir and Raw Goat's Milk The other day, I noticed that Rodrigo was licking his paws more than usual. This usually happens when we have a lot of damp weather (Fall, Winter, and Spring). There's something about the wet grass that irritates his paws....
For years, I read that we have to feed green tripe because all those yummy enzymes are great for digestive health and green tripe is a superfood. In fact, I've read that green tripe is so good for our dogs that there are people who only feed their dogs green tripe,...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs. Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a balanced raw food recipe. I've attempted to do this many times in the past, and I found that I...
DepositPhoto/Alely My love of chia seeds started with the Chia Pet. But I didn't know that the sprouts were edible, let alone good for dogs. Today, chia seeds are a regular part of my dog's diet, fed primarily as a healthy, natural source of fiber to support their gut...
When I started writing about better nutrition for my dogs, I wrote a post listing coconut oil as an alternative to fish oil. This week, I learned that not only is it not an alternative, but many people don't believe there is a benefit to feeding coconut oil to...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs. Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a balanced raw food recipe. I've attempted to do this many times in the past, and I found that I...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday!!! Usually, I share recipes of what I feed to my dogs on Fridays. Today, I'm going to shake it up and share what's in my freezer instead. I love sharing pictures of my freezer because I get so excited when everything is...
DepositPhoto/averyanova One of the benefits of raw feeding is smaller, less smelly dog poop. Scout and Zoey's poop is the size of a cat. Sydney's poop is bigger than Cosmo's poop, but it's still half the size of her poop when she was eating kibble. ...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs. Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a balanced raw food recipe. I've attempted to do this many times in the past, and I found that I didn't have...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs. Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a balanced raw food recipe. I've attempted to do this many times in the past, and I found that I didn't have...
Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs. Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a balanced raw food recipe. I've attempted to do this many times in the past, and I found that I didn't have...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.