Lately, I've been getting a lot of emails from people who want a simple raw food recipe for their dog and I usually share a simple recipe that I use and direct them to contact a meal formulator for recipes that are tailored to their individual dog. But, the other day,...
Cathy and I chat about our dogs' personalities (do they match a human in the house?), the origin of our dog names, preference for male or female dogs, and I will start watching SOA because this is where Cathy got the inspiration for the name of one of her dogs. Do Our...
This week, Cathy and I had a blast chatting with James Jacobson of the Dog Podcast Network. Having a man on the show allowed us to ask questions about pet parenting from a different point of view and we covered dating with dogs, how dogs allow men to express emotions,...
I first heard about Ancestral Supplements from a friend on the east coast who has had trouble sourcing organ meat and began using Ancestral Supplements instead. Out of curiosity, I've asked her questions about the supplements a few times over the past year and one...
Rainbow Bridge Poem Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play...
If you live with dogs, then there are times when your home could use a bit of a refresh. I clean our house daily, sweeping and vacuuming up all of the dog hair from the floors and furniture, and we still occasionally have that pet smell. When the house needs more...
Over the past few months of living through a pandemic, I've seen people excitedly share pics of their new puppy and others warning people not to bring the puppy home now because we will all be returning to work. The decision to adopt a puppy shouldn't be made on a...
Grooming The only time I've taken my dogs to the groomers is to have a nail trim. I do everything at home – I have dogs that are easy to bathe and groom at home. When I was new to raising dogs, I would bathe my dogs once or twice a month. Today, I bathe them...
The other day I received an email from a new raw feeding who didn't know where to find raw dog food. Ohhhh, this brought back memories. When I started feeding raw, I had no idea where to begin. It never occurred to me that I could find raw at local pet stores or that...
Pet Parents v Dog Owners There are strong opinions about the terms “pet parents” and “dog moms.” We recognize that the pet industry started calling us “pet parents” because they're capitalizing off of our love of our pets and the...
Last week, Rodrigo was pepper-sprayed and the incident brought so many emotions for me and I needed Johan to talk me down and get to a better place and once I was sure that Rodrigo was okay, I started drafting a blog post in my head. Why My Dog Was Pepper Sprayed A...
I fast my dogs because I don't think it's healthy for their gut to be processing food constantly. I believe that their system needs a break and time to reset, and a regular fast by feeding once a day or not feeding once a week is a great way to strengthen their gut...
Reinformcing Our Dogs' “Bad” Habits Some of these behaviors might be labeled as “good” and others might be labeled as “bad.” One “good” behavior that I've reinforced with Scout through repetition is the statement...
Surprise!!! I started a podcast for dog lovers!!! Introducing Girls with Dogs. My girlfriend, Cathy Bennett of Groovy Goldendoodles, and I started talking about partnering on a podcast this year, sharing our bi-coastal (sort of) chats with like-minded dog people and...
When I was new to raw feeding, I ordered every supplement that was recommended to me. My mistake was joining every raw feeding group that would have me and believing that the members were experts in dog nutrition. I couldn't have been more wrong. While I have met a...
I'm a passionate writer in the Pacific Northwest who loves all things dogs. I share what I'm learning as I attempt to crack the code to longevity. Keep the Tail Wagging is a blog dedicated to the dog who inspired this journey: Rodrigo Gauthier - March 2010 - September 2023.