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While some people may not be convinced that coconut oil benefits dogs, I'm drinking the Kool-Aid because I see the benefits daily with my dogs and myself.

Don't listen to the misinformation occasionally shared about coconut oil being harmful to dogs. Coconut oil is loaded with benefits, so many that it's become a staple in my home – for my dogs and myself.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Here are thirteen benefits of coconut oil for dogs…

  1. Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants.
  2. Coconut oil improves nutrient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  3. Coconut oil prevents the spread of cancer cells and enhances the immune system.
  4. Coconut oil regulates the immune system.
  5. Coconut oil repels mosquitoes and fleas when massaged into our dogs' coats.
  6. Coconut oil soothes and heals cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.
  7. Coconut oil is antimicrobial, kills yeast, and clears ear infections.
  8. Coconut oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps with arthritis.
  9. Coconut oil prevents hairballs because it’s rich in fiber, and great for pets with anal gland issues and helps to keep pets regular.
  10. Coconut oil freshens breath and makes an effective toothpaste, killing bacteria along the gumline.
  11. Coconut oil is a thermogenic oil that stimulates the metabolism, helping a dog lose weight.
  12. Coconut oil is great for the brain and nervous system. The liver converts MCTs into Ketones, making coconut oil the ideal food for the brain. It also prevents cognitive decline in aging pets.
  13. Coconut oil is great for dogs with allergies. Allergies are caused by an overactive immune system, which can be regulated by adding lauric acid to a dog’s diet.

Learn more about coconut oil in my blog post Stop Feeding Your Dog Coconut Oil?

Start with a Quality Coconut Oil

Before I share my secrets, I want to remind you that the quality of the coconut oil we purchase is essential.

There is no such thing as extra-virgin coconut oil. That “extra” is a marketing ploy to get us to open our wallets faster. I look for coconut oil sold in a glass jar (to avoid contamination from long-term storage in plastic), consistently comes from one source (so I know what I'm getting), and comes from a company that knows what they're doing and is dedicated to providing a quality product.

I only buy coconut oil from CocoTherapy.

Nope, this isn't a sponsored post or an attempt to collect coins through affiliate links. I'm sharing this because I genuinely love and respect this company and use their products daily.

1 – First Aid Kit

Whether it's for one of the dogs or me, coconut oil is an excellent addition to the first aid kit to treat cuts, scrapes, and cracked paws. It's a wonderful salve that promotes fast healing. I always reach for coconut oil first for minor cuts because coconut oil is a natural antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal.

2 – Clear Up Yeasty Ears and Skin

Coconut oil permanently improved my dog's ear health in less than a week.

When I treated a mild yeast buildup on the skin, I used a soft cloth to wipe the skin and mist the ears with a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. I then used a clean cloth to clean the skin and ears gently. I massaged a small amount of coconut oil on her skin and put a little in the ears. I did this four or five days in a row (less wasn't enough), and my dog never had an issue again.

3 – Coat Conditioner

Instead of spending money on coat conditioners, I weekly massage coconut oil into my dogs' coats.

According to PetMD, coconut oil adds “moisture to your dog's skin and prevent[s] flaking.” When applying coconut oil to my dogs' coats, I rub a small amount of coconut oil into my hands until it melts into shiny goodness, and then run my fingers through their coat and along their skin. A dog's fur acts like a candle wick; coconut oil moves down the hair shaft to the skin as they move. And it's absorbed into the hair, so their coat isn't greasy.

4 – Freshen a Dog's Coat

Not only does coconut oil work as a coat conditioner, but it can also serve as a “dry” bath. As stated above, coconut oil is a natural antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. When we massage coconut oil into our dogs' fur and skin, the bacteria that cause their coats to smell are reduced.

I leave the coconut oil on their coats; I don't rinse it out. The greasiness of coconut oil is absorbed into the hair quickly, and the hair isn't weighed down.

A quarter-sized amount can cover a large dog – head, body, legs, all.

5 – Main Ingredient in Golden Paste

Coconut oil is one of the main ingredients, along with turmeric powder, fresh ground pepper, and Ceylon cinnamon. According to Mary Mosquera Cochran, RD of Ohio State University, golden paste has been found to reduce inflammation, and it's a potent antioxidant for animals. I add it to the meals of all my adult dogs, alternating between my own recipe, Green JuJu's fermented Lua's Golden Paste, and CocoTherapy's CocoGold.

6 – Acts as a Delivery System for Medicine

I used to use peanut butter as a delivery system when I gave my dogs medicine. I only buy natural, organic peanut butter to avoid ingredients like xylitol (a sweetener that can be deadly to dogs) and mold (it's so important to buy quality brands). However, natural peanut butter is more oily and makes a mess when used as a delivery system.

So, I now use coconut oil.

7 – Coconut Oil is a Yummy Treat

When one dog gets coconut oil, all the dogs want coconut oil. So I now give it to my dogs as a daily treat. It's great for them; scroll back up to see the list of 13 benefits if you don't believe me. The best part is that I can get my pack to do something I need with one spoonful of coconut oil—they'll follow me anywhere, including out to their yard when I have to clean the house.

8 – Great for Senior Dogs

A 2010 study showed that adding coconut oil to a dog's diet improved cognitive functions because the medium-chain fatty acids provide “the brain with energy in the form of ketones.”

CocoTherapy also offers MCT oil. I add a spoonful to my senior dog's meals several days a week.

9 – Soothe Digestive Systems

Coconut oil clears up constipation in my dogs in a day. Thanks to the medium-chain fatty acids, my dogs have also been helped with digestion and nutrient absorption. Coconut oil soothes the gut and clears up excess bad bacteria without negatively impacting the microbiome.

Coconut oil reduces inflammation, preventing digestive flare-ups.

10 – Protect Paws

Although we experience milder winters and summers here in the Pacific Northwest, as compared to other areas of the country, I must treat my dogs' paws – protecting them from cracking and itching. Coconut oil is an effective salve, keeping their paw pads soft and reducing irritation.

Coconut is great for dry elbows, too, keeping the exposed skin healthy and soft.

12 – Coconut Oil May Kill Fleas

The lauric acid in coconut oil kills fleas and ticks. So my habit of using coconut oil to freshen their coat and as a coat conditioner also reduces my need to use flea-repellent products,. We've never had an issue with fleas—maybe a bite here or there once a year, but nothing more.

Coconut oil coats the exoskeleton of biting insects, smothering them. Voila! Natural flea control.

13 – Natural Toothpaste for Dogs

Coconut oil is great for a dog's teeth and gums. My dogs love the taste, making them more amenable to teeth brushing. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil kill bacteria that form along the gumline, improving dental health and freshening their breath.

14 – Knock Out Room Clearing Gas

When one of my dogs has gas, I give them a spoonful of coconut oil to reduce gut inflammation and calm the gas. It works as well, sometimes better than pureed pumpkin.

So, that's my list for the dogs. Coconut oil has many benefits for humans, too.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Humans

15 – Homemade Beauty Products

I'm an essential oil junkie and love making products for myself with essential oils. When making a roller, I use fractionated coconut oil with a combination of oils. When making products like moisturizers, I use coconut oil by CocoTherapy. There are thousands of recipes online, but I stick with sites I trust – Plant Therapy and Simply Earth.

16 – Skin Moisturizer

It's crazy to think we can use coconut oil as a moisturizer without breaking out, but it's true. I use it regularly as part of my beauty routine. It doesn't cause acne; in fact, it has cleared acne. My face looks a bit shiny when I'm finished, but my skin absorbs the oil quickly, and then my skin feels so soft.

17 – Makeup Remover

Makeup can be a pain to remove, and to avoid irritating my skin (especially the skin around my eyes), I use coconut oil as a makeup remover. It takes no time to remove all of my makeup; a small amount goes a long way. I then wash my face as usual.

18 – Use on Natural, Curly Hair

When I switched back to my natural hair, I began adding coconut oil in my routine, along with my favorite beneficial essential oil. It seals in the moisture, keeping my hair healthy and preventing breakage.

19 – Massage/Moisturize Feet

At the end of a long day doing yard work, housework, meal prep, and playing with dogs – I just want to sit back and relax. My feet are usually killing me. A long shower relaxes my stiff muscles, and when I'm finished, I grab a small amount of coconut oil and massage it into my feet it does a great job of softening the skin and keeping them looking good between pedicures.

20 – Relieve Dry, Itchy Skin

I don't often have dry, itchy skin because I regularly use body butters and creams by Plant Therapy. But sometimes, my skin is dry and itchy, and coconut oil provides relief. It works for my dogs; why not me? I treat the area with coconut oil and follow up with body cream everywhere after the shower.

21 – Transition to Natural Deodorant

Years ago, I switched to natural deodorant. At first, it didn't seem to work. It turns out that our armpits have to detox for a week before a natural deodorant works. One of the ways to detox armpits is to apply a blend of coconut oil and charcoal. You can make your own or buy one online or at a beauty store. I love a product by Pacifica, which I continue to use in the shower. This allows me to go a couple of days without deodorant at times.

22 – Use as a Natural Deodorant

I developed a sensitivity to deodorant and switched to natural deodorant several years ago. But, even daily uses of what the beauty market deems “natural” become a bit much for my sensitive pits, so I began using coconut oil as a natural deodorant. The natural antibacterial properties of coconut oil keep the area fresh and clean. It's not a perfect solution, but it works better than “natural” deodorant.

23 – Wakes Up My Brain in the Morning

I'm not a morning person. Adding a small spoonful of coconut or MCT oil to my morning tea does the trick every time. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil make me feel more energized in the morning, curb my appetite, and boost my metabolism. After lunch, I might have a second cup of tea with coconut oil in the afternoon to avoid that dragging feeling.

24 – CocoGhee is a Delicious Healthy Fat for Cooking

In 2024, CocoTherapy launched an amazing product that combines coconut oil and ghee, a lactose-free, clarified butter that is great for cooking. Ghee is labeled as a “superfood” because it supports heart, gut, immune, skin, and bone health and is rich in antioxidants.

I cook with CocoGhee and occasionally add a teaspoon to my dogs' dishes.

But Won't Coconut Oil Make My Dog Fat?

Overfeeding coconut oil can lead to weight gain. Adding a teaspoon of coconut oil or MCT oil hasn't posed a problem. I consider all that's in the bowl – adding more when feeding lean proteins and slightly less when feeding fattier proteins. Every dog is different, so I adjust accordingly if I notice weight gain.

Where to Buy Coconut Oil for Dogs (and Yourself)

I buy coconut oil from CocoTherapy. I'm subscribed to their newsletter, which sends me great information about coconut oil via email and a heads-up of specials. You can find CocoTherapy products on Amazon, which resellers list. I prefer to buy directly from the company.

Read More About Dog Health

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Kimberly Gauthier, CPCN
Kimberly Gauthier, CPCN, is the owner and author behind Keep the Tail Wagging.

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